Vida Juice Cardio Vascular Drink
Prevent the risk of High Blood, Cardiac Arrest, Stroke, & other heart complications!
Vida! Cardio-Ceutical Drink
The world’s 1st Cardio-Ceutical Drink, a healthy sugar-free juice for Your heart!
- 62% to 91% immediate increase in Artery Dilatation
- 23% sustained long-term increase in Artery Dilation
- Prevents oxidation of cholesterol to keep it from hardening and deposition as plaque in arteries
- Helps fight cancer
- Helps activate SIRT1 genes for better cellular protection
- Helps prevent diabetes
- Prevents age-related macular degeneration and cataracts
- Pevent the ageing of the skin and keeps it younger looking
- Acts as an internal sunscreen and protect skin from sunburn
- Helps prevent osteoporosis
- Helps boost sperm counts
- Burn Liver Fat contents to produce energy.
- Blood Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure can be normalized.
- Speed up metabolism if you drink 2 sachets of VIDA per day.
Vida has undergone great research and development!
Published Clinical Human Studies have shown that intake of 30mg., 90mg., and 270mg., of VIDA resulted to 62% to 91% immediate increase in ARTERY DILATION within 1 hour, monitored thru FMD by Dr. Peter Howe @ University of South Australia.